Saturday, December 19, 2009

Global Warming ??? ,,,.,. SNOW STORM WARNING !!!

And they bullshit,.,.,.,.....................
about the world becoming warmer ,.,.,.,.,.,..,,.,.,,,.,.,.
and the glaciers melting ,.,.,.,.,..,,.,
Open your eyes psycos ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.
Its snowing in most parts of the world,,.,.,.,,.,.,.
All the water out of the glaciers will reach back there soon,,.,.,.,.
just let the humans do what they have to,.,.,..,,.,.
I love petrol engines,,.,,. the smell of burning rubber,.,.,,.,.,.
You hypocrites wanna move around in the best of cars,.,.,.,., charter planes which waste feul like crazy to attend a freakin seminar that has no leagal bonding,.,,.,.
And our leaders think they know what they are doing,.,.,.,.

Go and wash ur faces with some water morons ,.,.,.,.

You can't make a difference ,.,.,.,.,. Your too tiny ,.,.,.,.,.., Nature knows how to fix itself,.,.,.,. Some day it will fix the human race too,.,..,,.,. Keep trying !!!,,.,.,. Lets go BOMB another country,,.,.,. Who next IRAN ???,.,.,.,. or PAKISTAN for a change,.,,.,.,. but no Oil in PAK !!!,,.,.,.,. So lets get Iran first ??? ,.,,. what say OBAMA ??

AND they call it the Nobel Peace Prize,,.,.,.,.,. Yeah !!!,.,.,.,.,. why is the destructor always called the Saviour ??? ,,.,.,.,., That son of a gun,.,., yeah in the real sense, LOL.,.,. ,.,.,.,.,. the inventor of the dynamite which led to humans bombing each other, none other than Dr Nobel !,..,,.,.,. Now to raise money to clean his own crap ??????? ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. I don't understand this !!!,.,.,.,.,.,.

The most important thing ,.,.,.,,,. BE HUMAN FIRST !!!!!!,.,.,.,.,.,,.,. Stop bullshitting !!!!!!

Frustrated with what I'm seeing around me,,.,.,.,. wish I had a whip to get their rears red and rusty !!!

Some day things will be better,.,.,,. God's watching !,.,.,.,. He knows what to do !,.,,.,.,. better that you better than me,,.,.,. better than how anyone can think it should be,,.,.,.,.

Micheal Jackson ,.,.,.,. Teri yaad aayi dost,.,.,.,.,.,. Why not actually make this a better place ???,,.,.,.,. for you and for me and the entire Human race ????

Shit happens,, but the sun will rise again to shine upon the seas ,.,.,. to sprout the hope of seeing a brighter, peaceful & beautiful tomorrow !!,.,.,.,. Amen !!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is there "anything else" I could help you with ? ??

fajbscjailwszjbnjsabcv zcx,,.,.,.,..,,. faksjbdfasknc akd sjn ascnkdgsb vj j
aksdfnasm ckalsdj csdkfj vASKHFAFNFKJFADNFdsnfAnjdasnnafshf,........



Wondering what that was ???.,,.,.,. Just a new sound of laughter !,..,,. Get used to it bitches !!!,.,,.

woooooooo !!!!! that was one joke I've been laughing an entire 6 hrs now,,.,,.,. ,,.,.
I met my childhood pal Farrokh this morning !,..,,.,. Who Farrokh ??? ,.,.,.,.,.,. The one with the "RR" in the middle and the "KH" in the end !!,,.,,.,.,.,. Okay Mr Awesome is a little too sleepy I think !!,.,.,., , but not before you read this !.,,.,.,. He told me about this chick who sat right beside him , back in the early days of his call taking career at Convergys ,,.,,.,. I don't recollect her name but I gotta name her here,.,., so lets call her SVD ,.,.,. Dont ask me wht that means! .,.,.,. just take it and go !!,.,.,.,. So i was tellin you abt SVD in Farrokh's early call taking days. ,.,.,, She recieved a call from a customer who was American . This guy got all his queries sorted on the call.,.,.,. As she's wrapping up the call, SVD asks this bloke in a very polite and serious tone " IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE I CAN HELP YOU WITH ??" ,.,,,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,. And you know what reply did she get ?>? >??>>?>????? ,.....................,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,..,,.,..,,.,.....................,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,..,,.,..,,.,.....................,
.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,..,,.,..,,.,.....................,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,..,,.,..,,.,.....................,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,..,,.,..,,. He said "Yeah ! Do you swallow ???" ,,,.,.,.,.,.,. She did'nt get it !...,/..//,.,.,,.,,,......... She just didn't get it !,.,,.,.,.,,.,., so she places the customer on hold and asks half the guys around her if she is allowed to !,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,. FREEEAAAAAAKKK !!!!!!.,,.,.,.,............... What an entertainer !,.,.,.,,.,,,. WAY TO GO SVD !!!!!!,.,,.,.,.,,.,. MMMUUAAAAAHHHH !!!!!!!,.,.,.,.,. you made my day !!!!!! ,,.,.,.,.,.,. I had a team leader who only knew one answer for every question you asked her !,.,.,. and it was "WHAT DO YOU TRAINING NOTES SAY ?",.,.,,,,,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,,.,. DUDE !!.,,,. I tell you It would have been the joke of the century if she was SVD's Team leader !,.,..........................,,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,

But after listening to what Farrokh had to say about the crazy things that he's heard in BPOs I discovered something again,.,.,.,.,. something that was very accurate,.,,.,.,. something that was super true.,,.,.,.,.,.,. something that will never change !!!,,.,,.,.,. That ,.,.,.,. I AM AWESOME !!!!!! ;)