Thursday, September 3, 2009

I call this episode "RAJSHREE LOVES MUSIC"

All you guys might be wondering what kinda music am I gonna talk about !,.,., but its nothing to do with music, its something like , when ur parents are screwing you with words .,., its as much fun !!!

So after the party and gathering waas over , Farrokh arrived with SOMEONE !!! ,., No it wasn't a bird, Wasn't a plane , IT WAS UVP!!! ,.,.,. UVP !!!..... Another sweet friend , who has WARNING written all over her face !!,.,, I mean she is a wonderful person to talk to and amazing to be with BUT BUT BUT BUT !!! .,,. oh no,,., if u ever get into an argument with her either shut up or kill yourself !!!,,.,.,. You can't argue with her , she just won't listen !!!,,.,..,
Anyways,.,,., we welcomed Farr, he thought there was some chicken or fish that Aunty speciallises in cooking, but to his disappointment the meal was only VEG !!!.,.,,., Ok im also not a very big fan for Veg food , but she cooks well so could swollow it somehow !!,.,,., I had so much fun watching Farr eat the food ! hahahaha !!!,.,., it was like he was ,anfja forget it !! will upload the pics soon,,.,., Then we all walked out of the house pretending to take Scrappy for his poop walk , and find a place to lighten our smokes. Sometime later we did find a place and started smoking,.,., guess what,, Aunty actually followed us !!!!,,.,.,., and caught Rajs red handed or should I say smoke handed.,.,.,. She was being bashed by words i've never heard of .,. as she spoke in a language which was foriegn to me !!.,.,., but by the look in her eyes and fear in rajs's i knew that she was listening to gr8 MUSIC !!!.,,.,

We laughed over it all night while she enjoyed every tune and every beat of it !!!!


  1. um hello.... u dont have to be so mean with ur comments about me.. and that too publicly!!! how rude.

  2. ps. my blog is up did u check it out???

  3. Sorry Ungi,,.,. wont do it next time,.,.,. promise !!!
