OK !.,.,. I know I'm writing after a long time now.,,, but i had to today !,.,.,.,.
I've been watching this creature in my new work place name Shrutika !,.,,.., Mostly called as Shruti by everyone !.,.,,,,,.,.,. I should tell you , she is an extreamly sweet girl,.,,..,,. and she is by far the awesomest girl I've ever come across in my life !,.,.,,.,.
After meeting her I rediscover the word "imagination" !,.,.,.,.,..,.
"She also defines the term "Loud thinking",.,,,,. .,.,, and is obsessed with created abriviations for every thing,.,..,.,,. she also is loaded with impeccable sense of mix lang skills.,,.,.,. as in she has mastered the art of using hindi words in a conversation !..,,,.,,.,. And trust me folks it can get tummy cramping funny at times !!,.,.,.,..,.,.,.
Let me first tell you a background of the scene that was going on,.,.,.,.,.
Sumeet is my trainer and we have about 21 people in our training batch,,.,. Shruti is also one of the 21 gems !,.,.,,.,..,.,
Her talking style can make the most serious kinda guy laugh like a conked hyena ,..,,.,. Her comparisons are as much as fun to imagine that to listen !!,.,,.,.,.,. She is awesome,,.,.,,. The moment I think about her , I tend to remember incidents that will make me laugh my ass out !,..,,.,.,.,.
Well done Umair !!!,.,.,. Well done !!,.,.,.,
SHRUTI TALES will start everyday from tonight ,.,.,. ,.,.,. Dont miss it ,,.,. Im telling you ,.,.,. this would proove as the best dose of laughter youve ever experianced !!!!